Friday, February 19, 2010

Top three Games

The top three games I believe have to be a few personal favorites. I do play video games, but I would rather mention games in which I do not believe many people know of nowadays. Those three games are, Chess, Headbands, and Cribbage. These three games are games that I have always enjoyed as a child, and try to get to play them both as much as possible.

The first one I will talk about, and always the best one, in my opinion, has to be Cribbage, also known as Crib. The game is quite simple, using simple math skills to play this game. What you need to do is first, buy a crib board, get a deck a cards, and find some sort of object to represent your piece. This game is played with 2 people, with a maxium of 6, you probably could play more, but I have yet to see a crib board big enough for anymore. You try and configure hands built for poker, certain hands are worth a certain amount of points, and move accordingly on the board. Can be played in teams or singlely, and thats why I believe its the best game.

The second one on the list is Chess. A typical war game. Its gets a bad rep due to the fact that intellectuals play it often thus making it seems like a game for "nerds", honestly, people that ignorant are just a waste of life in our societies, but thats for another time. Chess involves 2 teams, it is a 2 person game only. You use strategy and skill to try and eliminate the other team's King before your own, using your other peices to either kill theirs or sacrifice yours for the greater good. Its a rather simple game, and entertaining, and thats why I rank it 2nd on my list.

The third and final game on my list is headbands, its a fun and people friendly game, involves up to 6 people or so. It's a form of chirades where you put a headband with a card of a person, place, or thing on your band. Its a fun game which involves some laughs and any person wanting to play a decent game should look into this one.


Blogging. Blogging has to one of the oddest things I've seen, or taken part in. Though I know this is only work, more or less, but I couldn't understand why one would want to blog in their free time? Hell, even now, I don't know if I'm blogging. Am I? I've always seen or heard about blogging, and how it relieves one's stress,or maybe even makes problems seems less then they actually are, the opposite effect takes place with me. I grow stressed, not knowing what to write, or how to write it. Wondering if I am even doing the assignment correctly. I see my fellow classmates write away, as I sit here, writing about writing blogs, while my mind remains blank. I need to fill in the alotted time, which is until the end of class, almost seems to be an impossible feat. Ideas fly around in my mind, while I slowly take my time to write this. Wonder why I say write, when I am actually typing? I don't think I'm going to publish this one, due to the fact it's not really anything but me basicly talking to myself, hope I'm not going crazy...


If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to hibernate. I would want that superpower because obviously, I like to sleep, and also be cool if I could just skip months. Some may say that hibernation isn't a superpower at all, but a natural activity some animals partake in, I disagree. I consider it a superpower because it's something people can't accomplish without some kind of assistance of a drug, or blunt truama, either or, whichever floats your boat. Being able to hibernate would be a great power, maybe not as good as being invincble or immortal or whatever, but it's seems much more realistic too me, and I would enjoy a power as such. With hibernation, you can accomplish alot. Hibernation puts you body into a state of stasis, which could allow you to live without food and water for many months. After waking up for your months of sleep would also give you alot of energy and power after having been resting for days and months. As I said before, I just like too sleep, and I'm tired right now, so that might just be it.