Thursday, May 20, 2010

Beau Lotto: Optical illusions show how we see.

The theme of the presentation is to discuss how the brain works in accordance to what it deems important. Allusions are proof of how our brains sees what it decides is important, and also uses old information to solve issues or puzzles, or even labeling something, examples of such include, incomplete sentences or even people. Thus, we are in a sense tricked everyday by our brain. Racism is a prime example in real life. Our brain grasps that if brought up in a racist society it will inadvertently label such people almost immediately in the future that they are 'bad'. As such it is the generalization and simple old information our brain relays to us to think like so. Spelling errors are sometimes over looked because our brain has been trained to fill in gaps, or even read words, that if technically looked at, make no sense. The brain hasn't evolved but instead has learned to adapt, in a way that it decides what is important and easy for us to understand, sometimes not for the better. But, this is what makes everyday tasks easier for everyone. Instead of constantly needing to learn everything that we come across, our brains call upon old information to fill in gaps when encountering something new. So in short, our brains are a complex organ, it is important and extremely helpful and thats why people of today are as so.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

NUMBER 1!!!!!111

  1. q
  2. w
  3. e
  4. r
  5. t
  6. y
  7. u
  8. i
  9. o
  10. p
  11. a
  12. s
  13. d
  14. f
  15. g
  16. h
  17. j
  18. k
  19. l
  20. z
  21. x
  22. c
  23. v
  24. b
  25. n
  26. m

Dream and Journeys

Dreams are the foundation of Journeys. Dreams are what everyone has, whether it is simply a dream while you sleep or if it is an accomplishment you dream to acheive one day in the future. they all take you on journeys. Our dreams and journeys are what shape us into the people we are today, whether good or bad. We would be nothing and have nothing if people didn't aspire to their dreams and went on the journeys to achieve such feats. Dreams and journeys have lead us on journeys to the discouvery of the world, and such inventions as electricity, and airplanes. Dreams can be as wonerful as destructive. Albert Einstein's understanding of physics was a journey of his, which lead him to one of the greatest discouverys, but, such dreams may start a journey for others, with quite a different mindset entirely. Einstein's knowledge was used to design the nuclear bomb, though intentions were good, it put the world on the beginning of destruction. Dreams have lead to the freedom of surpressed peoples, the journeys of Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi were all in the mindset to free their people from persecution, and control. Dreams and journeys can also be so horrible, that they lead to literal genocide and mass murdering of people. The twisted Dreams of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin prove this. Hitler's dream of a 'pure race' excluded the Jewish people and Slavic people, and Hitler went about to the destruction of these people. Stalin's dream was for his Union(USSR) to be self efficient at any cost, which was the lives of millions of his own countrymen. Dreams can be accomplished by any whom work towards their goals, and don't stray from thier journeys, whether these provide a positive or negative effect, it is up to those dedicated to their dreams.

Monday, May 3, 2010


The book 'Angels and Demons' is a book that everyone should read. It's a book that captures fact and fiction and mixes it up to make a perfect interesting plot. The story mixes with the fact of using very vague information, such as the technology of Anti-matter, and then plays with the idea of the church, more specificly, the Vatican of being corrupt. The stories follows Robert Langdon on his first adventure. Langdon receives a call from a mysterious caller insisting that he is needed, in Switzerland. Robert Langdon is then lead on quite a adventure when he is thrust into a middle of a ancient battle between the Vatican and a once thought long gone botherhood, that has ties with everything, including the Vatican itself. It has all the values that many readers focus on. It captivates with a adventerous taste, also those with the history interest, and with all that it adds action and twists that keeps you wanting to read for hours on end. Dan Brown once again goes to proves that his controversail books always never disappoint. Though the 700+ pages may turn some away from the book as its will require time, it is very well worth it, the things most people like about Brown is his ability to always capture your interest no matter if it has been a couple hours or a week since you last left off. The story, being the first of Brown's has finally come to light after the publishing of his 'Da Vinci Code', and those who enjoyed the twists and action of "Da Vinci Code' will no doubt enjoy this read. Over all the book is one of the better books I have read, and recommended it to those whom like an adventure, a short, but interesting history lesson, with a nice mix of action and a twist to top it off.

Old Creative Post.

I couldn't think of anything creative, so I am writing about a pencil crayon I found, which now must be creative since it is ridiculous. The Crayola pencil crayon is a black color with gold writing, it is about 4 inches long, and racist. The pencil crayon is quite a useful tool in which everyone has used one time or another. The pack can sell for about $3 and if you were to ask someone where to buy them they would say Wal-mart or Staples. Throughout the years though, it seems people see them less and less as they lose their usefulness as you progress through school. I was thinking, I bought these for school, as it was recommended one the school supply list, but now as I think about it, I don't think I've used one for the last 4 years, so it was a waste of time and money buying this, and the school should update their school supply list so it can save money for future students. The pencil crayon was discovered sometime around 1565 with large graphite desposits. Pencils have been around for many years and now are futile with computers, death to the pencil. I've ran out of stuff to write, hope this was creative enough.

Career Snuff

First off, don't believe it is important to be passionate about your job, though it would be nice, I do not believe it is important because, you get a job that makes more money, once you have that job secured, even though you may not be passionate about it, it is providing you witht he money you require to do things that you yourself is passionate about. Money is everything, especially in todays world, no money, no happiness, the money you recieve from the job you may hate will fund stuff such as activities, vacations, or just hobbies, and keep you happy. You could find a job you are passionate about, but it could make less money, and happiness isn't found in juggling your bills and being in debt, passion or not, its not worth it. My future career path is far from planned out, with little to no distinct possiblity of one existing, one path I could go for is maybe go forth with school, and maybe accomplish something meaningful, but mainly whatever would make me more money, especially since only time you can seem to live your life now is after you retire, the sad but the truth. So in all, I do not believe it is important to be passionate about your about your job, and if you love grueling, long hours then your set for life.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Top three Games

The top three games I believe have to be a few personal favorites. I do play video games, but I would rather mention games in which I do not believe many people know of nowadays. Those three games are, Chess, Headbands, and Cribbage. These three games are games that I have always enjoyed as a child, and try to get to play them both as much as possible.

The first one I will talk about, and always the best one, in my opinion, has to be Cribbage, also known as Crib. The game is quite simple, using simple math skills to play this game. What you need to do is first, buy a crib board, get a deck a cards, and find some sort of object to represent your piece. This game is played with 2 people, with a maxium of 6, you probably could play more, but I have yet to see a crib board big enough for anymore. You try and configure hands built for poker, certain hands are worth a certain amount of points, and move accordingly on the board. Can be played in teams or singlely, and thats why I believe its the best game.

The second one on the list is Chess. A typical war game. Its gets a bad rep due to the fact that intellectuals play it often thus making it seems like a game for "nerds", honestly, people that ignorant are just a waste of life in our societies, but thats for another time. Chess involves 2 teams, it is a 2 person game only. You use strategy and skill to try and eliminate the other team's King before your own, using your other peices to either kill theirs or sacrifice yours for the greater good. Its a rather simple game, and entertaining, and thats why I rank it 2nd on my list.

The third and final game on my list is headbands, its a fun and people friendly game, involves up to 6 people or so. It's a form of chirades where you put a headband with a card of a person, place, or thing on your band. Its a fun game which involves some laughs and any person wanting to play a decent game should look into this one.


Blogging. Blogging has to one of the oddest things I've seen, or taken part in. Though I know this is only work, more or less, but I couldn't understand why one would want to blog in their free time? Hell, even now, I don't know if I'm blogging. Am I? I've always seen or heard about blogging, and how it relieves one's stress,or maybe even makes problems seems less then they actually are, the opposite effect takes place with me. I grow stressed, not knowing what to write, or how to write it. Wondering if I am even doing the assignment correctly. I see my fellow classmates write away, as I sit here, writing about writing blogs, while my mind remains blank. I need to fill in the alotted time, which is until the end of class, almost seems to be an impossible feat. Ideas fly around in my mind, while I slowly take my time to write this. Wonder why I say write, when I am actually typing? I don't think I'm going to publish this one, due to the fact it's not really anything but me basicly talking to myself, hope I'm not going crazy...


If I could have any superpower, it would be the ability to hibernate. I would want that superpower because obviously, I like to sleep, and also be cool if I could just skip months. Some may say that hibernation isn't a superpower at all, but a natural activity some animals partake in, I disagree. I consider it a superpower because it's something people can't accomplish without some kind of assistance of a drug, or blunt truama, either or, whichever floats your boat. Being able to hibernate would be a great power, maybe not as good as being invincble or immortal or whatever, but it's seems much more realistic too me, and I would enjoy a power as such. With hibernation, you can accomplish alot. Hibernation puts you body into a state of stasis, which could allow you to live without food and water for many months. After waking up for your months of sleep would also give you alot of energy and power after having been resting for days and months. As I said before, I just like too sleep, and I'm tired right now, so that might just be it.